My technology week in review ending 2010.05.16

My summary of interesting URLs from last week, including stories related to:

  • SQL and DB2
  • Innovation, business, self-improvement
  • Podcasts
  • TED talks

(As always, most of the text is lifted directly from the related websites and isn't my own text.)

SQL and DB2

Links related to SQL or more specifically IBM DB2, as well as other database systems including NoSQL.

SQLCourse - Interactive Online SQL Training for Beginners

This unique introductory SQL tutorial not only provides easy-to-understand SQL instructions, but it allows you to practice what you learn using the on-line SQL interpreter. You will receive immediate results after submitting your SQL commands. You will be able to create your own unique tables as well as perform selects, inserts, updates, deletes, and drops on your tables. This SQL tutorial currently supports a subset of ANSI SQL. The basics of each SQL command will be covered in this introductory tutorial. Unless otherwise stated, the interpreter will support everything covered in this course. If you're already familar with the basics of SQL, you can still use this as a refresher, and practice some SQL statements.

Delicious tags: sql database reference tutorial

SQL Formatter / SQLFormatter formats SQL Statements

SQLinForm is an automatic SQL code formatter for all major databases including ORACLE, SQL Server, DB2, UDB, Sybase, Informix, PostgreSQL, Teradata, MySQL, MS Access etc. with over 70 formatting options.

Delicious tags: sql tools database programming development tool web mysql formatter code

Innovation, business, self-improvement

How does human psychology relate to buisness ideas like innovation?
Tom Kelley, IDEO - Young at Heart: How to Be an Innovator for Life | Stanford's Entrepreneurship Corner
Tom Kelley, general manager at the world-renowned design firm, IDEO, presents five core practices that enhance creativity. Through entertaining stories and examples, he describes how these techniques help us all become more innovative in every aspect of our lives and lead to more success. For more details on his company, see

Delicious tags: Stanford podcast innovation creativity entrepreneurship ideo Kelley VuJaDe designthinking

Back to the City - Harvard Business Review
Many large companies are getting a jump on a major cultural and demographic shift away from suburban sprawl. The change is imminent, and businesses that don’t understand and plan for it may suffer in the long run. To put it simply, the suburbs have lost their sheen: Both young workers and retiring Boomers are actively seeking to live in densely packed, mixed-use communities that don’t require cars—that is, cities or revitalized outskirts in which residences, shops, schools, parks, and other amenities exist close together.

Delicious tags: trends future hbr work urbanism planning cities urban innovation


The various podcasts I listened to this week
Mark Sherman, Ward Cunningham | Tech Nation
Dr. Moria Gunn visits with Mark Sherman, CEO of ZoomAtlas, and Wiki inventor, Ward Cunningham, to talk about the latest social networking trend, geo-social networking.

Delicious tags: technation podcast geolocation Wiki

Tom Kelley, IDEO - Young at Heart: How to Be an Innovator for Life | Stanford's Entrepreneurship Corner
Tom Kelley, general manager at the world-renowned design firm, IDEO, presents five core practices that enhance creativity. Through entertaining stories and examples, he describes how these techniques help us all become more innovative in every aspect of our lives and lead to more success. For more details on his company, see

Delicious tags: Stanford podcast innovation creativity entrepreneurship ideo Kelley VuJaDe designthinking

Electric Vehicles podcast | McKinsey on High-Tech:
An evolutionary, not revolutionary, view of electric vehicles, battery ownership, the efficiencies of the internal combustion engine, etc... They made a good point that 0 emmision "at the tailpipe" electric cars simple move the pollution source up the chain, which might still be generated in very dirty ways.

Delicious tags: McKinsey podcast automobiles ice electric environment

Saas 2.0 podcast | McKinsey on High-Tech
A slightly out of date discussion of Software as a Service.

Delicious tags: McKinsey podcast SaaS cloud

Are You Making Things Too Complex? - Ron Ashkenas | Harvard Business Review IdeaCast 72
Ron Ashkenas talks about complexity in business. Large organizations are by nature complex, but over the years circumstances have conspired to add layer upon layer of complexity to how businesses are structured and managed. Well-intended responses to new business challenges—globalization, emerging technologies, and regulations like Sarbanes-Oxley, to name a few—have left us with companies that are increasingly ungovernable, unwieldy, and underperforming.

Delicious tags: HBR Harvard podcast complexity process business Ashkenas

How to Manage Conflict | Harvard Business Review IdeaCast 71
Gill Corkindale, executive coach and author of the Letter from London blog on describes why there is more potential for conflict at work these days, and some general approaches for how managers can deal with the situations

Delicious tags: HBR Harvard Podcast business Corkindale conflict

Steve Portigal on turning research into results | BayCHI
Steve pointed out that he doesn't design, but enables the client to design better, by helping organizations discover and act on new insights about themselves and their customers. The presentation title: "Well, we did all this research … now what?" poses the question that Steve showed us how to answer in providing a methodology to get measurable results, unblocking the research bottleneck and getting raw data from research directed through into the design process.

Delicious tags: research howto presentation podcast BayCHI Portigal UCD UX

TED talks

The TED talks I watched this week. They are all highly recommended
Ravin Agrawal: 10 young Indian artists to watch | Video on
Collector Ravin Agrawal delivers a glowing introduction to 10 of India's most exciting young contemporary artists. Working in a variety of media, each draws on their local culture for inspiration.

Delicious tags: TED video india art artist contemporary Agrawal

David Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 min | Video on
In this highly personal talk from TEDMED, magician and stuntman David Blaine describes what it took to hold his breath underwater for 17 minutes -- a world record (only two minutes shorter than this entire talk!) -- and what his often death-defying work means to him. Warning: do NOT try this at home.

Delicious tags: ted video inspiration Blaine preparation medical